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Litter It Just Isn't Natural

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Litter Laws in Virginia

Litter, graffiti, and unkempt streets� Far more than just unsightly, these are symptoms of uncaring behavior and can affect a community�s quality of life. You can make a difference.

HR CLEAN has made the Litter Laws easy for you.  As detailed in the new educational print piece - the Latter Law Fact Sheet - each of the laws regarding litter, and why the laws are important are listed.  As well as the Broken Window Theory* and ways you can get involved.  Don't be a litter bug - help keep Hampton Roads clean and put waste in its place!

Click here for the new Litter Law Fact Sheet - (PDF)

*Broken Window Theory>>

According to the Broken Window Theory, authored by Dr. George Kelling, a broken window left unrepaired in a building sends a signal that there is a lack of concern about the building.  A broken window, left untended, leads to more broken windows.   

Similarly, one of the Rules of Littering formulated by Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (KAB) states, Litter attracts litter

Broken windows, unrepaired buildings, and litter are not just eyesores.  They can also lead to crime.  When neglect and apathy take root in a neighborhood and residents see that vandalism is being ignored, they begin to tolerate other negative activities as acceptable behaviors.  Unsightly neighborhood conditions can lead to the breakdown of community organization and stability.


HR CLEAN Related Pages

Cigarette Waste

Litter - It just Isn't Natural

Litter Laws

Cigarette Litter Conference and Presentations

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